Often times it can be very challenging to find support, to know where to turn, or to know what benefits might be available to you and your loved one. Coupled with this not knowing, can be feelings of guilt or shame for even wanting to reach out. Sometimes needing to ask for help makes us feel like a failure. But I encourage you to please release these feelings from your system. It is normal, completely healthy, and encouraged to seek out assistance. There are many organizations in your community, like us here at Port City Home Services, who want to help! We know the process and daily routine of caregiving can be overwhelming, exhausting, and wrought with emotion. Sometimes it can feel downright terrible. But you don’t have to do it alone. Below are some resources available to all Nova Scotians who are caregiving for a loved one.
- Our friends at Caregivers Nova Scotia offer a wealth of resources to help you, including their "Where to Begin" guide, information about legal resources, and even information about government supports that may seem confusing to navigate on your own, such as "Self Managed Care", Caregiver EI Benefits, and Caregiver tax credits!
- If you want to speak to others who understand what you're going through, you may want to find a support group. Our friends at the Self Help Connection share the contact details for a wide range of support groups on their website, including general and more specific caregiver support groups!
- Our friends at Alzheimer’s Society of NS have plenty of experience to share when it comes to caring for a loved one who suffers from Alzheimer’s or another form of Dementia. Their website is full of information you will likely find very useful on this journey!
- If you have a question about caring for your loved one that you'd like to see answered here on our blog, you can submit them to us HERE! We would love to help you and other caregivers navigate the confusing experience that is caring for an aging loved one. Without you, your parents, spouses and others would be lost and not able to age in place - your dedication is inspirational and we are happy to be here to help!
Should you have any difficulty navigating any of the above resources, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Warm regards,